Facebook picture vs reality. Check it twice.
Apparently any box size will do.
Office timetable. 9:00 - starting time. 9:30 - arrive at work. 9:45 - coffee break. 11:00 - check email. 11:15 - prepare for lunch. 12:00 - lunch. 2:45 - browse the internet. 3:00 - tea break. 4:00 - prepare to go home. 4:30 - go home.
She said yes, of course.
So ... A guy walks into a bar ...
Life is tough. But it's tougher when you're stupid.
I once threw an abstinence party ... But nobody came ...
Have a nice day !
Should I take that job in New York? Grow up and make your own decisions, stupid.
Okay paper, you win this time !
We all have that one friend who always gives relationship advice but is still single
Moral of the picture. Friends may not be able to pull you up. But they will still think of ways to not let you fall.
- I love you lamp. - Shut up !
- Dude, what happened ? - Did you know that when a cat wags its tail, it means something completely different ?
Dropping off mother-in-law. You are doing it wrong.
Oops ! Hey, can you call 911 ? I'm still on the phone.
Yes. She is looking down on you.
Albert, the doctor says I need more exercise. I want you to start jogging for me.
- I have the body of an 18 years old. - Oh? -Yes, I keep it in the basement.
- What kind of tea is that ? - I don't know, I found it in my grandson's room.
So like. Which one is closer, Chicago or the Moon? - Well, duh. You can see the moon.