No sugar, just milk please
God listens
Graduation. Will work for food
Welcome to our pool. Oops, it added 'p' in it ...
This planet has issues, Bert.
I have no intention of getting off my ass
My girlfriend and I last night
Now I can get fat
You are pregnant too ?
Put down the camera and save me
I know the kids don't like you and pick on you, but you have to go to school... you're the teacher.
Oh, good, you're up. Take me outside.
Cruel male dominated society
Asked him whether he knows who ate my bacon
How the hell did he get up here ?
Great news ! We're all getting laid !
Please no dogs or bicycles
Freshly washed ballerinas
Lady Astor: If I was your wife I would poison your coffee. Winston Churchill: If I was your husband, I would drink it
Enjoy the couch, dog breath
I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation