Be a man and help her take that souvenir
Men discussing issues
Hey, guess what ... Your iPhone has arrived !
I knew it was a wrong friendship since the beginning
You look happier now, Charlie
It makes sense now. Gandalf uses conditioner.
Now class, I'd like you all to welcome our guest speaker
Just wanted to help my friend. Told him: Look out ! Ice hole !
I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter account, so I just go around announcing out loud what I'm doing at random times... I've got three followers so far but I think two are cops...
And it feels good
I dare you. Pull the cord ... to begin apocalypse
When I was a kid you didn't to say: Don't try this at home
They know what they are waiting for
He is irrational and he goes on and on. Wife of PI
Not everybody cried apparently
You came home early